Paddleboards. We see them everywhere on and off the coast in Northwest Florida. But just what are they? Some say it’s just a fad, others are calling it a lifestyle. Stand Up Paddleboarding has been around for a few hundred years, but has only seen its highest rise in popularity in the last decade. Now you can’t walk down the beach without seeing at least one. But what is the craze all about? It’s time you found out for yourself. Wet Inc is now offering paddleboard rentals to try it for yourself. Now that you you have your paddleboard rental, where do you go? Anywhere there is open water! Still water is the best for beginners to practice in, and wavy water is great for intermediates and professionals to get a fun ride similar to surfing. Are you looking for the best places to go? We can take you on a paddleboard tour to see the best places to get Wet!